A brief introduction to Machine Learning models quantization

25 May 2023 by David Corvoysier

Even before the development of Large Language Models (LLM), the increasing memory and computing requirements of Deep Neural Networks (DNN) has been a concern.

Functionally, DNN are graphs of arithmetic operations: the inputs are fed at the stem and the chain of operations produces the outputs at the head.

From an implementation perspective, the operations are performed on floating point numbers, which are a digital representation of decimal numbers composed of a mantissa and an exponent:

\[x = mantissa . 2^{exponent}\]

The 32-bit floating point representation if the most common, as it allows to represent numbers in a range that is sufficient for most operations. The float32 mantissa is composed of 24-bit (including sign), and the exponent is 8-bit.

Each operation performed at an operating node in the inference device requires its inputs to be transferred from either a static memory location or the previous processing nodes.

The cost of these transfers adds-up with the cost of the operations themselves.

The DNN terminology for operation data is “weights” for static inputs and “activations” for dynamic inputs/outputs.

Note: the outputs of an operation are designated as “activations” even if it is not actually an activation.

The process of representating the n-bit weights and activations of a DNN into a smaller number of bits is called quantization1.

It is typically used in DNN to “quantize” float32 weights and activations into 8-bit integer.

This brings several benefits:

  • reducing the weights to 8-bit requires 4 times less memory on the device to store them,
  • reducing the activations to 8-bits reduces the amount of data exchanged between nodes, which impacts latency,
  • using 8-bit instead of 32-bit inputs for an operation improves vectorization (multiple data processed at the same time for a single operation),
  • all standard integer arithmetic operations but the division are faster than their floating point counterpart,
  • GPU devices may include specific mechanisms to process 8-bit inputs (like NVIDIAS 8-bit Tensor cores).

A mathematical formulation of linear quantization

The most widespread type of quantization is the linear or affine quantization scheme first introduced in tensorflow lite2.

The representation of a linearly quantized number is composed of:

  • an integer mantissa,
  • a float scale,
  • an integer zero-point.
\[x = (mantissa - zeropoint).scale\]

The scale is used to project back the integer numbers into a float representation.

The zero point corresponds to the value that zero takes in the target representation.

If we compare that formula with the floating point representation one can see immediately that each floating point number can be represented exactly with the same mantissa, a scale corresponding to the exponent and a null zero-point.

Of course this representation would be very inefficient because it would require two integer and a float to represent each number.

Applicability of quantization to Machine-Learning

When quantizing Machine-Learning models, one can take advantage of the fact that the training produces weights and activations stay within reasonably stable ranges for a given operation.

This comes from several empirical techniques used to improve convergence:

  • weights initialization3,
  • weights and/or activation regularization4,
  • explicit normalization layers5.

This means that the weights and activations tensors for a specific operation can be represented using the same scale and zero-point, thus leading to a very compact representation.

Note: this is why quantization is often categorized as a form of compression, although unlike most compression techniques, it produces numbers that can be directly used for arithmetic operations.

There are various subtypes of quantization.

The first two subtypes are related to the dimensions of the scale and zero-point:

  • per-tensor quantization uses a single scalar value for scale and zero-point for a whole tensor of weights or activations,
  • per-axis quantization uses a vector of scales and zero-points whose length corresponds to a single axis of the tensor (typically the channels or embeddings axis).

The second subtypes are related to the symmetry of the resulting quantized numbers:

  • symmetric quantization assumes that the quantization range is symmetric, which leads to a zero-point equal to zero and a signed integer representation of the values,
  • asymmetric quantization does not assume anything, and zero-point is typically non-null.

Weights are typically quantized symmetrically per-axis.

Activations are typically quantized asymmetrically, most of the time per-tensor.

Quantizing a float tensor

The first step to quantize a float tensor is to choose the quantization range, i.e. the minimum and maximum float values one wants to represent: $[Min, Max]$.

Since the weights are constant tensors, they are typically quantized using the mimimum and maximum values of the tensor, globally or along the channel axis.

Evaluating the quantization range of the activations is more difficult as they are dependent of the inputs of the previous operation. Their range is therefore evaluated globally inside a model, as explained in the next paragraph.

For a target bit width of n for the mantissa, one evaluates the scale as:

\[scale = \frac{Max - Min}{2^n - 1}\]

The zero-point is then deduced from the scale to make sure that $Min$ is mapped to the lowest integer value and $Max$ to the highest integer value.

This leads to the following formulas for signed/unsigned representations:

  • unsigned: $zeropoint = round(\frac{Min}{scale})$
  • signed: $zeropoint = round(\frac{Min}{scale}) - 2^{n - 1}$

The quantization of a float tensor is then:

\[mantissa = saturate(round(\frac{x}{scale}) + zeropoint)\]

Again, the saturation depends of the signed of the target representation:

  • unsigned: $[0, 2n - 1]$,
  • signed: $[-2^{n-1}, 2^{n-1} - 1]$.

Note that the zero-point always has the same signedness as the mantissa.

Quantizing a Machine Learning Model

As mentioned before, a Machine Learning model uses two types of tensors: weights and activations.

The static weights need to be quantized only once, each weight tensor producing three new static tensors for the mantissa, scale and zeropoint.

Since weights can contain positive and negative values, they are typically quantized into int8.

             |  Weights |
             |  float32 |
             | constant |
            /     |      \
           v      v       v
.----------. .----------. .------------.
|  Weights | |  scale   | | zero-point |
|   int8   | | float32  | |    int8    |
| constant | | constant | |  constant  |
'----------' '----------' '------------'

The dynamic activations on the other hand need to be quantized on-the-fly by inserting the quantization operations in the graph:

  • evaluate the quantization range,
  • quantize.

The evaluation of the quantization range is costly because is requires a full-scan of the activations tensor, which is a bottleneck for parallel processing.

For that reason, the activations quantization ranges are often evaluated before the inference on a selected number of samples: this is called the calibration of the quantized model.

Note: the operations that clip their outputs like the bounded ReLU are an exception and don’t require an explicit calibration, since the exact range of their outputs is known in advance.

After calibration, each activation float variable is mapped to an integer variable and two static tensors.

              | Activations |
              |   float32   |
              |  variable   |
             /       |       \
            v        v        v
 .-----------.  .----------. .------------.
| Activations | |  scale   | | zero-point |
|   (u)int8   | | float32  | |  (u)int8   |
|  variable   | | constant | |  constant  |
 '-----------'  '----------' '------------'

Note: the activations can be quantized into either int8 or uint8. It is simpler to quantize them to uint8 if they correspond to the output of a ReLU operation, since zero-point will be in that case 0.

Conceptually, the resulting graph is a clone of the original graph where all compatible operations are replaced by a version that operates on tuples of (mantissa, scale, zero-point).

Separating the constant and variable tensors, this leads to the following graphs:

              .---------.                   .--------.  .----------. .------------.
             |  Inputs   |                 |  Inputs  | |  scale   | | zero-point |
             |  float32  |                 |  (u)int8 | | float32  | |  (u)int8   |
             | variable  |                 | variable | | constant | |  constant  |
              '----+----'                   '----+---'  '-----+----' '------+-----'
                   |             .               '------------+-------------'
.----------.       v             |\      .----------.         |
| Weights  |   .------.       +--' \     | Weights  |         |
| float32  +->| Matmul |      +--. /     |  int8    +-.       |
| constant |   '---+--'          |/      | constant | |       |         .------------.
'----------'       |             '       '----------' |       |         |   scale    |
                   v                                  |       |       .-+  float32   |
              .---------.                .----------. |       v       | |  constant  |
             |  Outputs  |               |  scale   | |   .-------.   | '------------'
             |  float32  |               | float32  +-+->| QMatMul |<-+
             |  variable |               | constant | |   '---+---'   | .------------.
              '---------'                '----------' |       |       | | zero-point |
                                                      |       |       '-+  (u)int8   |
                                         .----------. |       |         |  constant  |
                                         |zero-point| |       |         '------------'
                                         |  int8    +-'       |
                                         | constant |         |
                                         '----------'         |
                                                         | Outputs  |
                                                         |  (u)int8 |
                                                         | variable |

Quantized linear operations

Most basic Machine Learning operations can be performed using integer arithmetics, which makes them compatible with linearly quantized inputs.

This does not mean however that one can just replace all floating point operations by an equivalent integer operation: the scale and zeropoint of all weights and activations must be taken into account to produce an equivalent graph.

Also, there are two important restrictions with respect to the inputs quantization:

  • additions between the integer mantissa of inputs can only be performed if they are in the same scale,
  • operations that combine the integer mantissa of inputs channels can only be performed if the channels are in the same scale, i.e if the inputs are quantized per-tensor.

Note: in another post I explain how it is possible to add two inputs quantized with different scales by adding an explicit alignment operation beforehand.

From an implementation perspective, operations accepting linearly quantized inputs are very specific to each device.

In the next paragraph, I will detail a possible implementation of a quantized matrix multiplication.

Wrap-up example: a quantized matrix multiplication

Let’s consider a simple matrix multiplication of an $X(I, J)$ input by a $W(J, K)$ set of weights:

$Y = X.W$

Since the matrix multiplication multiplies all inputs along the dimension of length $J$ and adds them, $X$ cannot be quantized per-axis, because it will lead to the addition of quantized numbers that are not in the same scale.

There is no such restriction on $W$, since the filters along $K$ are all applied independently.

After quantization of the weights per-axis and calibration of the inputs per-tensor, we obtain:

$X \approx X_s * (X_q - X_{zp})$, with $X_s()$, $X_q(I, J)$, $X_{zp}()$

$W \approx W_s * (W_q - W_{zp})$, with $W_s(K)$, $W_q(J, K)$, $W_{zp}(K)$

We can also approximate the outputs per-axis, assuming that the next operation does not require per-tensor inputs.

$Y \approx Y_s * (Y_q - Y_{zp})$, with $Y_s(K)$, $Y_q(I, K)$, $Y_{zp}(K)$

The operation is summarized on the graph below (note that the intermediate integer output Y_q can be implicit):

    .-----.  .-----. .------.
   |  X_q  | | X_s | | X_zp |
    '--+--'  '--+--' '--+---'
.-----.         |
| W_q +-.       |
'-----' |       |          .-----.
        |       v        .-+ Y_s |
.-----. |  .---------.   | '-----'
| W_s +-+->| QMatMul |<--+
'-----' |  '----+----'   | .-----.
        |       |        '-+ Y_zp|
.-----. |       |          '-----'
|W_zp +-'       |(Y_q)
'-----'         |
              | Y |

Going through the graph step by step:

  • evaluate the matrix multiplication of the quantized inputs to produce float outputs

$O = X_s * (X_q - X_{zp}) . W_s * (W_q - W_{zp})$

  • quantize the float outputs to obtain 8-bit integer outputs

$Y_q = saturate(round(\frac{O}{Y_s}) + Y_{zp})$

  • convert back the 8-bit integer outputs to float outputs

$Y \approx Y_s * (Yq - Y_{zp})$

Since $X_s$ is a scalar, and $W_s$ has the same dimension as the outputs last dimension, the first operation can also be written:

$O = (X_s * W_s) * (X_q - X_{zp}) . (W_q - W_{zp})$

This means that the matrix multiplication can be operated equivalently on integer values, and the result is a quantized integer number with a scale corresponding to the product of the inputs and weights scale and a null zero-point.

The quantized sequence of operations is then to:

  • evaluate the matrix multiplication of the 8-bit integer inputs to produce n-bit integer outputs

$O_q = (X_q - X_{zp}) . (W_q - W_{zp})$

  • convert the n-bit integer outputs to float outputs

$O = (X_s * W_s) * O_q$

  • quantize the float outputs to obtain 8-bit integer outputs

$Y_q = saturate(round(\frac{O}{Y_s}) + Y_{zp})$

  • convert back the 8-bit integer outputs to float outputs

$Y \approx Y_s * (Yq - Y_{zp})$

The question that should immediately arise at this stage is why we need another quantization operation after the matrix multiplication, since we already have a quantized output ?

The reason is simply the bitwidth of the outputs: we need an explicit quantization to make sure that the results of the integer matrix multiplication fit in 8-bit.

Note: when the operation is followed by a bias addition, the biases are typically quantized to 32-bit with a scale precisely equal to $X_s * W_s$ so that they can be added directly to the outputs before quantizing.

Going one step further and replacing $O$, since $Y_s$ has the same shape as $X_s * W_s$, we can omit the third step and write directly:

  • evaluate the matrix multiplication of the integer inputs to produce n-bit integer outputs

$O_q = (X_q - X_{zp}) . (W_q - W_{zp})$

  • quantize the n-bit integer outputs to obtain 8-bit integer outputs

$Y_q = saturate(round(\frac{X_s * W_s}{Y_s} * O_q) + Y_{zp})$

  • convert back the 8-bit integer outputs to float outputs

$Y \approx Y_s * (Yq - Y_{zp})$

This reveals that we can directly ‘downscale’ the integer outputs of the operation with a folded scale $F_s = \frac{Y_s}{X_s * W_s}$.

The downscaling operation can be implemented as a float division and a round.

Note: I will detail in another post an implementation using only integer arithmetic.

The simplified graph can be summarized below:

        .-----.   .------. 
       |  X_q  |  | X_zp |
        '--+--'   '--+---'
.-----.         |
| W_q +-.       v
'-----' |  .----------.
        +->|IntMatMul |
.-----. |  '----+-----'
|W_zp +-'       |         .-----.   
'-----'         v       .-+ F_s |  
           .---------.  | '-----'   
           '----+----'  | .-----.      
                v       '-+ Y_zp|     
               .-.        '-----'
              | Y |

This can be further simplified by removing the zero-points if we assume a symmetric quantization.

          |  X_q  | 
.-----.  .----------.
| W_q +->|IntMatMul |
'-----'  '----+-----'
         .---------.  .-----.   
         |Downscale|<-+ Y_s |         
         '----+----'  '-----'  
            | Y |

Note: the quantized matrix multiplication can be implemented in very different ways on devices that do not have efficient implementations of the integer Matrix Multiplication.


  1. Yunchao Gong, Liu Liu, Ming Yang, Lubomir Bourdev, “Compressing Deep Convolutional Networks using Vector Quantization” arxiv, 2014. 

  2. Benoit Jacob, Skirmantas Kligys, Bo Chen, Menglong Zhu, Matthew Tang, Andrew Howard, Hartwig Adam, Dmitry Kalenichenko, “Quantization and Training of Neural Networks for Efficient Integer-Arithmetic-Only Inference” arxiv, 2017. 

  3. Stone Yun, Alexander Wong, “Where Should We Begin? A Low-Level Exploration of Weight Initialization Impact on Quantized Behaviour of Deep Neural Networks”, arxiv, 2020. 

  4. Arash Ahmadian, Saurabh Dash, Hongyu Chen, Bharat Venkitesh, Stephen Gou, Phil Blunsom, Ahmet Üstün, Sara Hooker, “Intriguing Properties of Quantization at Scale”, arxiv, 2023. 

  5. Elaina Teresa Chai, “Analysis of quantization and normalization effects in deep neural networks”, stanford, 2021. 

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